Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday Night Fever

...there is no significance to the title of this posting except that it's saturday night, it's sups hot in my apartment and just happen to be watching a movie with the name "saturday night fever".
in other news I am learning how to be a grown up, I called my landlord guy and was really nice but stern and convinced him that as long as i'm willing to pay for the use of the laundry room, there's no reason I shouldn't be able to use it. I played hardball but he finally saw reason so i'm gonna go do laundry and I'm very excited about it. We start teching Damn Yankees tomorrow and previews start this week, I am very excited about it.
My hair is a little uneven but it's okay cause I think I'm cute anyway.
Let's see, anything particularly cool happen to me, well I got my security deposit back from my old place and i decided to get a new phone, that's very exciting. It's gonna be blue and an mp3 player so i can put a few songs on there if i want for emergencies like if i leave my ipod at home or it dies.
Hmmmmmm I really have no news, Oh Jonny and Leta might come with Lana and Nathan to see my show.......I'm pretty sure I misspelled all those names, Sorry guys. but i'm really excited about that
Oh it has been totally hurricaning here, but it's also been super hot.............those two things=not pleseant. ....I thought i was in the mood to have a clever and witty post but i thought wrong........more later

1 comment:

Debby McCrary said...

Yes you are witty and good looking. Why is the silly landlord giving you an attitude! YEA! for clean clothes... for family visiting and for a little money!