So things are going pretty well, I am such a lucky person and here's why...
So far, every show I've had the pleasure of being in has either been a really good production or it has just challenged me and left me feeling really accomplished, wether it be in dance, or music, or acting. Damn Yankees is totally challenging me in all aspects and I'm having so much fun with this show. The company is just so flipping proffesional and I can't get enough of it. I'm really thankfull that this is one of my first shows in the "real world", but I am probably getting spoiled rotten coming from Lightoperaworks to this show and then doing another show with L.O.W. Everyone has been so great, but I think most companies in Chicago are like that, which is one of the reasons I'm glad I chose to come/stay here.
In other news: I am at work right now (super busy as you can tell) no tables today. I love my new neighborhood, It is a pain sometimes getting places and I'm also never motivated to go hang out with friends in my spare time but that means I don't spend as much money trying to be social so it all works out.
I've found a new friend in a fellow Columbia student that's in the show with me. We ride together and have soo much fun. I won't use her real name because i want to protect her identity but we shall call her M and she was on a certain reality show years ago and boy does she have some stories to tell. (Aunt Kathy, you would maybe know what show she was on, you sent in an audition tape I believe)
What ipod just died....that makes me sad. I finally kicked my nasty soda and junk food habits but now I'm addicted to starbucks and cheez-its.
I haven't heard from either of my sisters in a while and that is not cool, so i'm putting you on shall remain there until i hear from you.
That is all. Ta!