Monday, February 18, 2008

Major let down

man...Baylea got home from her vacation to find her litter box in her room and when she called me she seemed pretty steamed but when i got home she was all "can we talk about it tomorrow?"
i was so ready for a verbal sparring match i found myself totally dissapointed.
she knew she has nothing...she's probably gonna be kissin my but just so i'll let her keep the litter box in the bathroom. she was all "i'll get a new kind of litter tomorrow"
thats sweet but i'm still telling her to get it out of my area, now that i have a scientific theory that my recent increase in allergies is due to her poor animal caring skillz things will change.

in more exciting news, Myra, Patrick and Morgandy came to Chicago and surprised me and Myra got to see my show. it was so nice of them to come- I'm glad that Myra got to see West Side cause this is the first real part i've had in a musical at Columbia she's seen. i hope to get some pictures of the show to post but i don't have a camara and I'm proving to be pretty lazy about these things so keep an eye out.
Caroline and Shane got engaged on Valentines day!!! Congratulations you two!!!


Debby McCrary said...

You are terrific in the show. It was great being with you. Keep up the great work. Get the photographers e-mail address and I'll buy pictures from her. Hope the drama stays mainly on the stage, but stand your ground for what keeps you healthy.

Kathy aka Pie said...

You go Alex! I agree with your mom, you have to stay healthy, the show must go on.